
How to contribute to VRaptor

Joining our mailing list

You can answer questions from other users in our user mailing list or Stackoverflow under the tag vraptor.

Collaborating with the documentation

You can help us writing Javadocs, improving site content, with a recipe or an article on your blog. Our site source code is available under vraptor-site subproject at Gibhub. You can get more info here.

Reporting bugs and suggesting new features

If you found a bug, tell the development team using our user mailing list. If you want to suggest a new feature you can use out dev mailing list. You can also create an issue on Github.

Collaborating with code

If you have any improvements you’d like to see in VRaptor, send your suggestion to the developers mailing list. If you have already implemented, please send your pull request via GitHub.

You can resolve some issues registered on Github, send us a pull request with your changes.

VRaptor is a MVC Web Framework focused in simplicity and easy of use. When you implement something, take care to follow the best practices of Object Orientation and low coupling, use of composition instead of inheritance, convention over configuration and a well structured code. Make sure you also write the Javadocs classes and unit tests.

Contributions like security, paging, multitenant, and others are welcome through plugins and contributions to vraptor-contrib.

Creating your workspace

All VRaptor modules works with Apache Maven, that supports most IDEs. You need only to clone our repository via Git, and before import to your IDE as Maven project.