
Dependencies and prerequisites

VRaptor 4 depends directly on CDI 1.1, so it will work only in servers that support this version of CDI, or higher like CDI 1.2. JDK 1.7 or higher is also mandatory. If you’re using JDK 1.8, please read this section.

The Application Servers already supported and tested are:

And Servlet Containers supported are:

To use the mentioned Servlet Containers its also necessary to add Weld 2.x jars and the following listener to your web.xml file to activate CDI:


And the beans.xml file located under your WEB-INF (which is optional in case of Application Servers) with this content:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns="http://xmlns.jcp.org/xml/ns/javaee"
    xsi:schemaLocation="http://xmlns.jcp.org/xml/ns/javaee http://xmlns.jcp.org/xml/ns/javaee/beans_1_1.xsd"
    version="1.1" bean-discovery-mode="all">

Some dependencies may differ between applications running in an Application Server or a Servlet Container. Dependencies from Java EE specification, such as CDI or Bean Validation, are not required if you are using an Application Server.


It’s possible to use JDK 8 with VRaptor, but is necessary to use the latest version of Javassist dependency because the previous versions don’t support Java 8 bytecode (note that starting from VRaptor-4.0.1 this is already the default dependency):


Note: If you are using Wildfly, try to use 8.1+ versions, because Javassist is already provided by the server. So even defining the dependency in your application, it won’t be used by the application. If you can’t update to 8.1+, an alternative is to update the module directly in the server.

You may also need to add the VRaptor Java 8 plugin to your project.


VRaptor 4 uses Maven to manage its dependencies. So to add VRaptor to your project, all you need to do is add the following dependency:


The structure of a project based on Maven is different than the conventional structure used by most IDEs. However, when a project is packaged, Maven will build its structure as a WAR:

Maven Path Description Path in the WAR file
src/main/java Java sources /WEB-INF/classes
src/main/resources configuration files /WEB-INF/classes
src/main/webapp web files /
src/test/java Java test sources - ignored -
src/test/resources configuration files for testing - ignored -

If you don’t want to use Maven (or any build tool integrated with Maven repositories), you can create a project in your prefered IDE and add VRaptor’s jar and its dependencies. All the required jars to use VRaptor are available in a zip file in our downloads page.


This is the most important dependency of VRaptor 4. If you’re using an Application Server, that already includes this dependency, you don’t need to declare it again in your pom.xml.

If you are using a Servlet Container (such as Tomcat or Jetty), you need to add the reference implementation of CDI: Weld.



Warning: avoid using the artifact org.jboss.weld.servlet:weld-servlet. because contains a lot of unecessary classes to boot a VRaptor application. Particularly, this artifact contains a copy of whole guava code, which is already a dependency of VRaptor. This may cause several conflicts between classes of this two artifacts (which can cause typical classloader problems such as NoSuchMethodErrors).


We use SLF4J (Simple Logging Facade for Java) to log internal events. SLF4J can redirect log messages to several other logging libraries such as NOP, Simple, log4j and JDK Logging. To configure logging you must add to your classpath the jar slf4j-api.jar and also the binding jar of the library of your choice. See more about this topic at SLF4J official docs.

Most projects choose log4j to implement logging. In case you want to use it, you need to add the following dependency:

    <version>1.7.5</version> <!-- or the latest version avaiable -->

And you should also include a configuration file named log4j.xml in the src/main/resources directory, for example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE log4j:configuration SYSTEM "log4j.dtd">
<log4j:configuration xmlns:log4j="http://jakarta.apache.org/log4j/">
    <appender name="stdout" class="org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender">
        <layout class="org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout">
            <param name="ConversionPattern" value="%d{HH:mm:ss,SSS} %5p [%-20c{1}] %m%n" />
    <category name="br.com.caelum.vraptor">
        <priority value="DEBUG" /> <!-- or another value such as INFO to decrease verbosity -->
        <appender-ref ref="stdout" />
    <!-- include configurations of your project here -->

Notice: If you is deploying you application into Wildfly, you need to configure logging in the standalone.xml file (or in domain.xml if you is running in domain mode):

<subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:logging:2.0">
    <logger category="br.com.caelum.vraptor">
        <level name="DEBUG"/>
    <!-- other content -->

But if you want to use configuration inside your application, you can tell to Wildfly to read this configuration from your deployment:

<subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:logging:2.0">
    <use-deployment-logging-config value="false"/>
    <!-- other content -->

XStream and Gson

XStream and Gson are used to serialize/deserialize XML and JSON respectively. Both libraries are optional, so if you don’t need to use serializing/deserializing capabilities, you can exclude those dependencies, since it’s already included as default.

This is the XStream dependency:


And this is the Gson dependency:


Bean Validation

If you use an Application Server, it’s not necessary to add Bean Validation dependency because it’s already bundled with Java EE 7. But if you are using a Servlet Container, it’s required to add a implemetation, such as Hibernate Validator, to your project:


This dependency is mandatory when running in a Servlet Container because VRaptor uses the Bean Validation API in the Validator class.

It’s also required to indicate CDI to do not validate methods automatically. To do that, add the file META-INF/validation.xml with the following content:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<validation-config xmlns="http://jboss.org/xml/ns/javax/validation/configuration"
    <executable-validation enabled="false"/>


Sadly, before Java 8, it was impossible to use reflection to get parameter’s names from methods or constructors, because this information was not available in the bytecode (unless the code is compiled in debug mode, which is optional). Because of this, most of the frameworks that need this kind of information usually create a custom annotation to store parameters names. In JAX-WS, for example, it’s common to find a resource method such as void add (@WebParam(name="customer") Customer customer).

VRaptor use the Paranamer framework which is capable of extracting parameters information through pre compilation of your code or from debug bytecode, avoiding the use of annotations. Some of VRaptor’s developers are also contributors of Paranamer.


This is an optional dependency required only if your application use file uploading:


Note that if you are not using any maven-compatible build tool you also need to add commons-io library to the classpath.


Iogi is a library used internally in VRaptor to inject http request parameters. Iogi is responsible for building the beans that you receive in controller methods. The great benefit of Iogi is that it is capable of building imutable classes, without the need of setters. Iogi is also capable of building your beans trough setters.

Iogi is a mandatory dependency and it’s already included when you add VRaptor dependency.


Mirror is a library to ease the use of Reflection, providing a fluent interface to the original API. Mirror is used internally to intantiate objects. It is a mandatory dependency and is already included when you add VRaptor dependency to your project.